GALLERY wks.(OSAKA) 1st.November-13.November 2021

「虚虚実実の遊戯 Part 4」会場写真
GALLERY wks.(OSAKA) 2021年
虚虚実実の遊戯 Part 4
時間:12:00-19:00 日曜オープン
場所:GALLERY wks.
〒530-0047 大阪市北区西天満3-14-26 中之島ロイヤルハイツ1103
TEL / 06-6363-2206

Bean eyes / ビーンアイズ
oil, alkyd and sand on canvas
530×530mm / 2021

Triplet21 / トリプレット21
oil, alkyd and sand on canvas
1620×1940mm / 2021

Triple drops in triple drops 2 / みっつのしずくがみっつ 2
oil, alkyd and sand on canvas
1620×1303mm / 2021

Three Nines 1 / スリーナイン 1
oil, alkyd and sand on canvas
910×606mm / 2021

Nine cheeky flowers / 9つの舌出し花
oil, alkyd and sand on canvas
1167×910mm / 2021

Three cheeky flowers 2 / 3つの舌出し花 2
oil, alkyd and sand on board
333×333mm(round) / 2021

Duplex 1 / デュプレックス(ニ連符)1
oil, alkyd and sand on canvas
1167×1167mm / 2021

Tomoe 1 / 巴 1
oil, alkyd and sand on canvas
803×803mm / 2021

Pinky combo 1 / ピンキーコンボ 1
oil, alkyd and sand on canvas
910×1167mm / 2021

Loop 1 / ループ 1
oil, alkyd and sand on canvas
727×727mm / 2021

Loop 2 / ループ 2
oil, alkyd and sand on canvas
530×410mm / 2021

Triplet 22 / トリプレット 22
oil, alkyd and sand on canvas
1303×1940mm / 2021
虚虚実実の遊戯 Part 4
KyoKyoJitsuJitsu Game Part 4
This is my 4 th exhibition under the title “KyoKyoJitsuJitsu”. For the first of these exhibitions, I made works in which I emphasized outlines rather than forms in order to try to make asubstance appear hollow. I developed this approach to making works because I was fascinated by the unplanned effects caused by this inversion and the curious forms which resulted. I have been captivated by the personification unintentionally caused by outlines which were curved. The subjects of the triplet series which have been developed using curved lines were a combination of cherries and musical notes ー or I can say that they look like cherries and musical notes as a consequence of their construction.
When I was a university student, I made abstract paintings from landscapes with straight lines such as the horizon. Later I started using organic motifs. This change made me employ curved lines in preference to straight ones. I think that curved lines are fundamentally closer to living things having dynamism, humour and warmth. I do like these qualities of curved lines.
To make a composition which principally uses curved lines appear simple, I set a limit to the numbers of colours used. I am always nervous when choosing those colours, but it is also a joyous moment. That moment of shared joy and pain is something which a psychologist once talked about.
When I feel that something is interesting then to what extent can I convey that feeling to others? Can I get their empathy? Am I approaching the audience or am I distancing myself from them? I feel that I am going back and forth, nevertheless, relying on my instinct, I will continue my arduous but joyful journey of making works with warmth, colour and unusual forms with the semblance of living creatures. I hope that anyone looking at my works will think them bizarre but humorous and, moreover, will feel close to them.
Rie Takeshita